Sunday, February 13, 2022
The Prime 5 New Tax Papers
This week’s listing of the Prime 5 Current Tax Paper Downloads is similar as final week’s listing, with some reshuffling of the order throughout the Prime 5:
[641 Downloads] On the Evolving VAT Idea of Mounted Institution, by Rita de la Feria (Leeds; Google Scholar)
- [335 Downloads] Ideas-based Tax Drafting and Buddies. On Guidelines, Requirements, Fictions and Authorized Ideas, by Hans Gribnau (Tilburg) & Sonja Dusarduijn (Tilburg)
- [279 Downloads] The Proposal for a Minimal International Tax: Crucial Reflections, by Leopoldo Parada (Leeds; Google Scholar)
- [179 Downloads] The New Worldwide Tax Regime, by Reuven Avi-Yonah (Michigan; Google Scholar)
- [173 Downloads] Public Rights and Taxation: A Transient Response to Professor Parrillo, by Ann Woolhandler (Virginia; Google Scholar)